Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

No, we haven't had the baby yet, but we've still got plenty to be happy about around here this weekend!
I remember how much I looked forward to springtime in New York City. After having cold, gross days for what seemed like more than half the year, a single day of sunshine had the power to bring out the smiles in everyone around the city. We ditched the puffy coats in exchange for cute t-shirts and an iced coffee and took advantage of the usually short-lived sun warming us from the inside out.
Now that we live in a city that is perpetually warm, you'd think that feeling would be long gone. I have to admit, even a place that is always at least 85 degrees gets a lift in its spirits on an especially sunshiny day after endless gray days with thunderstorms. Now if only we had a Starbucks on the corner...
Besides the change in weather, yesterday was a memorable day for us for two special reasons. First, our adorable niece turned 5! It seems like she was barely just talking the other day, and she's quickly become a very chatty, smart, and super cute little kid.  And now we know she won't be stuck sharing her birthday with her cousin!
Second, we got news that my brother proposed to his girlfriend last night! Jay and I are both thrilled for them and cannot wait to officially add Daphne to our family. They are such a beautiful couple, inside and out, and they're blessed to have found each other.
The good times continue this weekend, too. Jay is running in his first official race tonight with some friends of ours. It's a relay race where each person on the 6 person team runs 3.5 km. Not exactly a marathon, but it should be fun. Because we're getting close to our lil guy's BDay, Jay would only agree to run if I was there with him "just in case."  I'm looking forward to taking some action shots for everyone from the sidelines.
Speaking of action shots, our good friend Debora volunteered to take some pictures of us before the baby comes (today is 39 wks, 2 days). Although we have perfected the one arm self-portraits over the past 10 years together, if I do say so myself, it's great to have some pictures of us further than 2 feet away. Thanks to the cooperative weather this morning and Debora with her new camera, I think we've got some keepers :)

Here's to hoping the next pics we post on here will be of the bebe!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cha de bebe!

How lucky can one girl be? Last week was my third baby shower for this lil guy! I feel so fortunate to have such great friends not only in the States, but also here in Manaus. My close friend Debora threw me my last baby shower (cha de bebe) and invited all of our girlfriends. It was a lot of fun for everyone, and we ended up with some really cute books and DVD's in Portuguese for the bebe. I know I will think of our Brazilian friends whenever we read the stories together. We also got some disposable diapers which should come in handy for the really gross newborn poop that is sure to come in a few weeks! For now though, they are serving an equally important job of making our second bedroom smell like sweet, fresh baby :)

Debora and me at the beginning

A Brazilian tradition...the girls all painted my belly!

The belly, Jay, and I all done up! 

Just the Ladies (e um menino)

Now we're getting to the final countdown!!! Less than a month to go (36 wks)!!! We can't wait to meet our lil guy and introduce him to all of his Tias e Tios Brasileiros :)