Monday, May 23, 2011

Our little Brasileiro!

We are so very happy to share the news that our little Brasileiro, Elijah James, was born May 10th! He weighed 3.744 kg/8 lbs 4 oz and was 48 cm/19 in long. We went in for a scheduled appointment that morning, and by the time the doctor called me in, we were in labor. About 11.5 hours later, our beautiful Elijah was born.
Tomorrow he will be 2 weeks old and is already changing and getting bigger. He is a great eater, already gone through one not-so-fun-for-us growth spurt last week, and is generally very calm and happy. He is becoming really alert and is quite observant, looking around with his bright blue eyes at all the new surroundings.

1 Day Old, light hair and orangey highlights

Me and my boy

Elijah loves when Daddy holds him.

My loves. We're so lucky that Daddy is such a natural! 
He is an expert soother, diaper changer, and maid :)

My sweet pea sleeping.

We're so happy to have our baby in our arms now and are trying to enjoy all of the new experiences of parenthood. As someone who loves to sleep, I am amazed at how little sleep is really required to function. The first several days we were literally running on minutes of sleep a day, but now we've all gotten much better at napping during the day and night (2-3 hour naps). On that note, he just woke up, so it's time to start the eat, poop, sleep routine once again!
I'll post some more pics and his birth story soon.