Since we haven't lived in Phoenix for a long time, Jay and I were thrilled to see so many friends in one place. Besides our family, several of my friends from high school and NAU were there, as well as our trombone teacher from college. It really means a lot to me to have had the chance to spend some time with such dear old friends. Unfortunately, I didn't get pics with them cause we were too busy eating, chatting, and playing games. But here is a pic of us with my cousin Jeremy who came down from NAU for the shower, and my brother Aaron.
We all chowed down on some yummy food, and then played a few different games. I think everyone had a good time playing!
Group shot during a game
Best Toilet Paper Baby
Dressing a babydoll
Phil squared!
After the games, we got to open our presents. We got a ton of cute baby stuff, including some Cardinals baby gear, scrapbook, bottles, blankies, boppy, and clothes. I'm sure everything we got will be put to good use!
We are so grateful to have had such a fun shower, and we can't wait for everyone to meet our lil guy!
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