Friday, June 24, 2011

Tales of the Sleep Deprived

Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted anything for more than a month. We've had our hands full with our little guy, Elijah, who will be 7 weeks old on Tuesday. As I reread the last post at 2 weeks old, I had to laugh out loud at the 2-3 hour nap, eat, poop schedule we had. Those long naps basically ended the day I wrote that cause this boy has an appetite like Mamae and Papai and loves to eat every 2 hours. He also only takes daytime naps while someone is holding him, so you can see that he's been keeping us working! Luckily for me, Jay is an incredibly involved and patient dad that never complains about walking around in circles shushing the baby everyday or changing the umpteenth dirty diaper.
We recently had the great pleasure of having my mom here in Manaus with us for 3 weeks. It was not only helpful to have her here to help with the baby but it was really nice to have some of her home cooking again. She of course fell in love with Elijah, and I know the feeling was mutual. Elijah loved his afternoon naps being rocked to sleep by his Mumsey, and she was more than happy to oblige. The time just flew by while she was here, and we were all sad to see her go. 

On our way to the airport to get Mumsey, 3 wks old

I could not be happier to see my mom!

She's got the touch. 

Elijah's favorite position with Daddy.
He spends most evenings like this 
riding around the house sucking on Daddy's thumb.
Look how much he's grown in the 3 wks Mumsey was here!

Despite being sleep deprived, we've managed to get quite a bit done since Elijah was born. We've registered his birth and gotten his official Brazilian birth certificate, had his teste de pezinho (foot prick test) and eyes and ears tests, applied for his American passport, applied for his Brazilian passport, taken care of important bank stuff, and even managed to see a movie at the theater this week together. Elijah is usually a happy, sleepy boy when we're out in public since he spends most of his time in a sling or being carried by Daddy. He is not a fan of the traffic in Manaus though and lets us know by crying whenever we're not moving! 

He loves the sling.

One of the highlights everyday at our house is seeing our little Bubba launch into a big old grin when he sees us. It's really hard to get on camera, but it is just the sweetest thing ever. He's been practicing his giggles too, and I can't wait til he gets the hang of laughing for real. 

Our big boy

Well, it's 9:30pm now and I hate to admit it, but it's my bedtime! The advice to sleep when the baby sleeps is really true. Maybe we'll get lucky tonight and get 4 hours in a row...

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