Festa Junina is a fun holiday that involves dressing up like country folk, doing square dances, eating traditional foods, and usually includes a bon fire and fake wedding.
Gloria (the bride), Debora, and me caipira-style
We didn't get to see or do all of that this year cause we left before the party ended, but we still had a lot of fun. It was hosted at the Aeroclube here in Manaus, and we were lucky enough to get a show of professional parachutists jumping. They made it look so easy, and now Jay and I both have something to add to our bucket lists.
The sky made a beautiful background for these jumpers.
We were so lucky to have had such beautiful weather this afternoon while we were there. I figured it would be hot and sweaty like usual, but it was absolutely gorgeous. Not too sunny, very breezy, and no bugs! What more could you want? I know Elijah was enjoying himself.
Daddy and Bubba chillin
Love this face! Look at that stink eye...
Now that's more like it.
Check out the glowing sunset.
Elijah got a little grumpier (aka tired) as the day turned to night, and Mommy had to do some samba-ing with him. He really seems to like samba, and although it didn't put him to sleep this time, he stopped fussing for a bit.
We didn't stay much longer after this since the little guy was gonna need to eat soon. On a side note, he now eats every 3 hours instead of 2, and it is amazing what a difference that makes! We actually get to do stuff now without being in such a rush, as you can see from this blog.
All three of us had a really nice time today, and it was a fun way to celebrate Festa Junina and our own 4th of July! A Happy and Safe Fourth of July to you!
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