Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's Raining! It's Pouring!

After being here for a few months and wondering why anyone would call this area a "rainforest," it is finally starting to make sense. It RAINS here. A lot! We'd all been waiting for this time of year to start because it had been super hot and humid (like 95º and 90% humidity) with no rain since August. Just last week, we got the on-again, off-again rain around here, and that cooled off the temperature to make it a pleasant 80 degrees.
Yesterday it started raining before we woke up and only stopped briefly in the middle of the day, then started again and continued to the end of the night. It started raining again before we woke up today, and it has already poured for 6 straight hours now. We're not talking about drizzling, light rain. It is seriously pouring here!

The wet street outside our house

As long as you don't have to go outside during this weather, it's actually quite nice and a great relief to the hot temps. Now, if only it weren't raining inside our house, too!!!
(And yes, Mom... the landlord does know!)

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