Monday, November 9, 2009

Festa Time

One of the things that is awesome about being here is how much our Brazilian friends love getting together. This week alone, we went to 3 parties! It may be the fact that we have more free-time here compared to Americans, but I think Brazilians would find a way to squeeze in some socializing at any cost. Let the parties begin...
The first party was an impromptu get together on our friends' rooftop that involved a chef from Argentina, some cervejas, and a bunch of great people. We were already impressed by the delicious meat (picanha) prepared by Brazilians, but if you've never had meat prepared by an Argentine- and a chef at that- you are really missing out! Mmmm mmmm, makes me hungry just thinking about it. And as if the night couldn't get any better, we were actually "cold" for once- must have been mid 70's- and I got to wear long sleeves for the first time!!! It really is the little things...
The next party was a couple days later back on the rooftop for our friend's 30th Birthday! She didn't go the churrasco/bbq route this time because of the quantity of people (about 50), but we had yummy dips, cheeses, breads, and homemade caipirinhas. Throw in some music, dancing, joke-telling, and cake, and you've got yourself a good time. It was also cool for us to be able to speak portuguese so much that night. Since there aren't many Americans around, people love practicing their English on us, which is great and all, but we already know how to speak English! I have to admit though, it is nice to give your brain a break for a while.

The beautiful birthday girl and me!

The final party we went to was actually a small wedding ceremony for a couple of friends that just recently moved here from São Paulo. They are a very cool couple, and we were happy to be included in their celebration. There was more good food, more cake, more friends, and more music. And a little bit of crying, but it was a wedding after all. One of the most touching sentiments in the groom's toast was when he said how quickly everyone has come to feel like a family here. Most of our friends are transplanted musicians in the orchestra, and while not living in a different hemisphere than their family like we are, they are living 1000's of miles away from them. I think partly because of this, and partly due to just their general niceness, it is easy to feel like you are cared for and thought of by many people here.
What more could you ask for in a party?!

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