Monday, November 9, 2009

Some observations

Moving to any new country opens up a whole world of new experiences and observations. These are just a few of ours....

1. The fact that it is more than 100 degrees outside with 90% humidity does not deter people from wearing jeans, long-sleeved shirts, and even jackets here.

2. On that note, not very many people wear sunglasses here. Surprising, considering we are so close to the Equator and the sun is really bright.

3. Driving rules are merely suggestions. Looking both ways before you cross a street here entails looking both ways, in front of you, behind you, and both ways again.

4. Telling someone that you don't speak Portuguese well may encourage them to speak a little louder and a lot faster!

5. Buying a lightbulb at the hardware store can involve 3 different stops with 3 different people in the store. But they do plug in the lightbulb to make sure it isn't a dud before you leave!

6. People don't leave voicemail messages on cell phones because most people don't waste their pre-paid minutes checking them. You just call repeatedly until they pick up their phone.

7. Parents bring their kids of all ages with them when they go out. It's really nice to have young kids and teenagers at orchestra concerts!

8.  Calling a bus station to get their bus schedule does not mean it will actually be correct. Same applies for rental car prices.

9. We have yet to find a sidewalk that doesn't require your constant attention to avoid tripping over the uneven surface.

10. Overall, Brazilians seem to be extremely gracious and generous people. You get the feeling that when they say, "Let me know if you need anything," they really mean it.

11. People eat Halls, the cough drop, like candy here. They are sold right amongst the real candy and people are surprised to find out that they have a medicinal purpose in the US.  Hmmm, let's see... should I get the M&M's or Halls today?

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